Rock Paper Scissors

I guess you know how this one works! There's not much more than this to say about how it works, it's really just the good old rock paper scissors game!

This project was probably hardest one to implement, with very precise positioning and styling and a LOT of states and things to manage with the JavaScript.

I've used a finite state machine to manage the states/steps of the game (player move, computer move, win/lose screen), and to be honest, that was a somewhat bad aproach and the code turned out pretty bad and very hard to mantain, but it does work!

It was also a very good project to test my skills with React state management and componentization. A lot of CSS was used too to make some nice transitions and animations.

There's still some things I want to fix/add in this project:

  • Change the way the steps are managed
  • Add the rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock mode