Clicking on the cookies

Hi, there! Welcome to my first ever blog post! I'll try to keep this short because I really suck at writing this kind of thing and my english isn't that good, but I figured doing it anyway would be a good way to improve those skills so here we go.

If you have no idea what this post is about, take a look at the Click. The. Cookies game on my portfolio. To summarize, it's a simple "game" inspired by Cookie Clicker, where you click in a big cookie to get some cookies and then buys upgrades, pretty simple.

The idea for this came when watching a video (it's in portuguese) of a guy trying to recreate Cookie Clicker using only ChatGPT. While watching it I thought to myself "I could definitely do this better" and indeed, I was right. Not to be too cocky, this project is actually quite simple but serves to show that AIs can be really powerfull and usefull, but you need to know how to use them, and I think, even though we aren't there yet, we'll reach this point soon. I like to think of the AIs as a very specialized tool that require a trained operator to use it properly. Anyway, talking about AIs is not the point of this post (this is a really cool topic though) and the biggest reason I built this project was fun and not to prove that humans are superior or something.

As I said, this project is quite simple, so for the technologies nothing fancy was needed, just the good old HTML + Javascript + CSS (+ Some coffee and good songs) was more then enough. I didn't tryied to follow any specific coding paradigm either, you could call it imperative/procedural or whatever but one thing I avoided (and usually do most of the times) was OOP, not because it's the darkest evilest paradigm ever created (even though some people will tell you that), it' just because, for me, trying to force the use of classes when they aren't really necessary can make the code stink really bad and have the opposite effect you would want from OOP (decoupling, modularity, etc), so I just stick to a somewhat data oriented pattern (kinda??), don't really know what to call it, but have the data be just data and have functions work on it, no coupling between these two whatsoever.

Well, even though there are a lot more little details about this project, I think this is enough for a first post, there's more to talk about but if this gets much longer no one will ever read.

Checkout the game and the code for it and if you feel like, hit me up for anything.

P.S: To be honest, this was less of a pain to write than I thought it would be, was quite nice actually.